To apply for your easy online loan, all you have to do is answer a few simple questions about yourself, your property and your income, debts and assets. You will also be required to electronically consent (E-Consent) to receiving online disclosures. The benefits of E-Consent include:
If you wish to apply without E-Consenting, please contact a Mortgage Loan Officer by calling 206-439-5772 or by scheduling an in-person appointment with a Mortgage Loan Officer at
If you just started house hunting, use our calculators to get a good idea of your loan options. The next step is to see what you qualify for.
When you're ready to apply for a loan, gather your information and answer a few questions about yourself and the property. The loan application will generate a credit report that will be sent to you and BECU. A non-refundable partial credit report deposit will be collected at the beginning of the application process in the amount of $35. This will not cover the full cost of the credit report fee which will be disclosed on the Loan Estimate.
Browser Requirements: For best results, use one of the following browser versions: Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 2.5 or higher, Safari or Google Chrome. Other browsers, such as Edge, may work with the site but compatibility is not guaranteed.
Loans are subject to credit approval and other underwriting criteria, and not everybody will qualify. Certain restrictions apply. Home loan programs, terms and conditions are subject to change without notification. Boeing Employees' Credit Union NMLS ID 490518.
On average it takes 15-20 minutes.